Rokan Hulu District, the existence of this region can not be separated from the Rokan Kingdom in Rokan IV Koto in the 18th century. This area also exists Kingdom of Rambah and Tambusai. Both of these names will be immortalized into the name of the District in Rokan Hulu Regency. At the time of these kingdoms had experienced golden, until the emergence of Dutch colonialism in Indonesia. In the Dutch colonial era, the name Rokan Hulu a little stretched. This area began to know people, especially the merchants from various regions of the archipelago and abroad. As a trading hub, this region can pass through land routes, and pass through the largest river in Rokan Hulu, the Rokan river. At that time, the Dutch Colonial Government placed the Roots of the Rokan Hulu Regency Root now as Kawedanaan.
After Indonesia's independence, Rokan Hulu's face began to change, based on the Decree of the Central Java Military Governor dated November 9, 1949 Number: 10 / GM / STE / 49, the authority of Pasir Pengaraian was entered into Kampar Regency with the capital of Pekanbaru. In addition, three other areas, namely Pelalawan, Bangkinang, and Pekanbaru out of town, enter into Kawedanaan. The establishment of Rokan Hulu Regency which started from the wishes of the people of Rokan Hulu Regency especially the figures to form a District has long appeared, this is evident from some historical documents, One of the historical documents is a recommendation of the results of the mass musyawarah (Mubes) Rokan Hulu community in Pasir Pengaraian which was held in 1962 ago, the meeting was attended by the officials in each Lluhak in Rokah Hulu. The recommendation of the Mubes is for the area of ​​Ex Weditan Pasir Pengarayan to be upgraded to the Second Level District of Rokan Hulu, but finally ran aground because of the strength of the regime in power at that time, no expansion of territory, and lapse of more or less 6 years later the desire reappears at the Great Congress of 1968, but again failed to realize the District.

This situation lasted long enough until published Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 821.26.525, dated May 26, 1997. The government set Rokan Hulu as the working area of ​​the Regent of Kampar Region I. That is at least that became the forerunner of Rokan Hulu regency acquainted with the system of state administration. Two years later, significant changes occurred again. Along with the waves of reformation in all areas, and regional autonomy in canangkan, many figures Rokan Hulu demanding its own status for the region. Rokan Hulu figures want their territory separate from Kampar regency. They argue, if Rokan Hulu is separated from Kampar regency, people's welfare can be improved. Moreover, the distance of the capital of Kampar regency with Rokan Hulu is relatively far enough that it becomes a serious obstacle for the development of Rokan Hulu. Not only that, the historical factor also acts as a motivator of Rokan Hulu people's desire to stand alone, because, Rokan Hulu area is ex kewedanaan Pasir Pengaraian and has stood alone. If you want to drag even further, the Rokan Hulu area was once an autonomous region with the government of Rokan Kingdom, while From culture side, Rokan Hulu also have a reason to stand alone. Rokan Hulu has different cultures, languages, and customs from its mother. And, most importantly, the lagging factors, both in terms of human resource development (SDM) and natural resource management (SDA), in comparison with other areas in Riau, ultimately also impact on the low level of economic development of the community. The intellectuals and the people of Rokan Hulu are aware that, only with a separate district, the various backwardness can be pursued. The passionate desire of the figures, supported by all levels of the Rokan Hulu community, was ultimately in the central government's response.

As the reform era in Indonesia takes place the opportunity to form a district is wide open. The technical process of Rokan Hulu regency formation begins with the inclusion of the proposed establishment of the Regency. The committee of the formation of Kabupaten Rokah Hulu worked hard day and night, so that on May 16, 1999, the committee has been able to convey the aspirations of Rokan Hulu people to Kampar Regency DPRD, amounting to 210 pieces of aspiration from various community elements, namely Ninik mamak / adat stakeholder, Scholars, Community Leaders, Youth Leaders, leaders of community organizations. Besides that also conveyed the aspirations of the community to the Regent of Kampar, Riau Governor and DPRD Riau Province in Pekanbaru. With various considerations, the Governor of Riau with Letter Number: 135 / TP / 1303 On June 3, 1999 which addressed to Kampar Regent about the proposal of Rokah Hulu and Pelalawan which essentially requested to the Regent of Kampar to convey his consideration and opinion on the expansion of the district, with the above Governor's Letter, Kampar Regency's Regional People's Legislative Assembly gave a positive Appreciation to the pemekaran, so on June 8, 1999 it proposed to the Minister of Home Affairs on the Agreement of Kampar Regency Expansion stating that Rokan Hulu Regency consists of 7 districts (except Tandun, Aliantan Village and Kabun Village), the emergence of the word Except in Law Number 53 Year 1999 caused by the second letter of the Kampar parliament.
With the insistence of various elements of society, finally Riau Governor and DPRD Riau Province submitted the proposal to the Central Government, so the Central Government issued Bill number 53 of 1999 on the establishment of Rokan Hulu and Pelalawan Regencies, Rokab Hilir, Siak, Karimun, Natuna, Kuantan Singingi and Kota Batam. Finally on October 4, 1999, Law No. 53 of 1999 was approved, then since then Rokan Hulu District was established as an autonomous Regency, but it was only officially opened by the Government as Rokan Hulu Regency and 7 other districts in Riau on the 12th October 1999. So since then the de facto and de yure Rokan Hulu regency officially became an Autonomous region with the capital of Sand Pengaraian. Then reinforced by Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 010 / PUU-1/2004 dated August 26, 2004 which made Tandun Village, Aliantan Village and Kabun Village as part of Rokan Hulu Regency.
The regency, which is named as Negeri Seribu Suluk, has a population of 380,000 people consisting of various ethnic groups such as Malay, Javanese, Mandailing, Minangkabau, Sunda, Batak, and so on. Rokan Hulu District Name, taken from one of the big river names that cross this region, the Rokan river which flows from Bukit Barisan which is still in the region of Rokan Hulu regency and this river including the 4 largest river in Riau Province, that is River Siak, Kampar River, Indragiri River and Rokan River. Rokan Hulu regency initially consists of 7 (seven) subdistricts and 1 (one) subdistrict Assistant namely Rambah Hilir, 91 Villages and 6 Villages, with an area of ​​7,449.85 km2 or approximately 24.37% of Kampar area in the time before pemekaran, where 85% consists of terrain and 15% of swamps and waters. It has a tropical climate with temperatures of 22-31 degrees Celsius and with a height of 70-86 M from this sea level with the livelihood of the population engaged in agriculture 52.42%, industrial fields 11.49%, trade area 7.14% and other sectors amounted to 28.95%.The district also gave birth to a National Hero named Tuanku Tambusai.


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